हनीवेल TP-OPADP1-200 51305557-100 डिजिटल आउटपुट हाई वोल्टेज, रिले, नॉन-रिडंडेंट, कोटेड
Honeywellमद संख्या।:
TP-OPADP1-200 51305557-100भुगतान:
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Honeywell Digital Output Relay Module CC-PDOB01प्रणाली:
Honeywell C300Honeywell TP-OPADP1-200 51305557-100 Digital Output Relay Module Experion PKS
The Honeywell TP-OPADP1-200 is an operator panel for Honeywell DCS distributed control systems. It is a human-machine interface (HMI) that allows operators to monitor and control the system. The panel features a 10.4-inch color touchscreen display, a physical keyboard, and a pointing device. It can be used to display system status, alarms, trends, and other data. It can also be used to send commands to the system, such as starting and stopping pumps, opening and closing valves, and adjusting setpoints.
10.4-inch color touchscreen display
Physical keyboard
Pointing device
Supports multiple languages
Can display system status, alarms, trends, and other data
Can be used to send commands to the system
Technical Specifications
Display: 10.4-inch color touchscreen
Resolution: 800 x 600 pixels
Touchscreen technology: Resistive
Keyboard: 88 keys
Pointing device: Optical mouse
Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Japanese
Dimensions: 12.8 inches (W) x 8.5 inches (H) x 2.4 inches (D)
Weight: 4.4 pounds
Power: 24 VDC
Honeywell Experion Products
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Honeywell 51403988-150 CE compliant Five-Slot Module power supply
Honeywell 51196653-100 Power cord 120 V 50/60 Hz (classic furniture)
Honeywell 51308093-300 Power cord 220 V 50/60 Hz
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Honeywell 51403393-100 51305559-100
About Us
With thousands of Brand New original stock,Five High PLC Parts Limited is a leading supplier of Programmable Logic Controller system
parts, including PLC & DCS CPU Modules, I/O Modules, Input output Modules, Power Supply Modules, Programmable Cables and Sensors.
Honeywell | Yokogawa | Yokogawa | GE Fanuc |
MC-GAIH13 | ALP111 | AMN32 | IC200ALG331 |
51401286-100 | ADV551-P03 S2 | AEP9D | IC693CPU374 |
51202921-200 | ACM12 | SED4D-01 | IC698RMX016 |
51304042-100 | AFS40S/AFS40D | ALF111 | IC695ETM001-HT |
10002/1/2 | AMM32T | ARM15A sarm15a | IC200ALG240 |
900TBR-0001 | F9342BF | ANR10D | IC695ALG608 |
10014/I/I | F9342LA | AAI135-H00 | DS200DTBCG1AAA |
CC-PAIH02 | AAI143-S03/A4S00 | AAI543-S00 S1 | HE693THM889 |
10024/I/I | ADV144-S13 | F9340GE | IC697CPM790 |
8सी-टीपीओएक्स01 51307022-175 | एडीवी851 | एएटी141 | डीएस200टीबीक्यूबीजी1एसीबी |
10303/1/1 | एएआर145-एस00 एस1 | एनएफसीपी100-एस00 | आईसी660टीबीडी025 |
10006/2/1 | एनपी53*ए | पीडब्लू702 एस1 | आईसी698ETM001 |
8यू-पीडीओडीए1 | एफ9342एबी | एएलआर121-एस00 | 531X175एसएसबीएवाईएम2 |
पहले का :
हनीवेल TP-OPADP1-200 SPUB5-302 प्रेशर ट्रांसड्यूसरअगला :
हनीवेल TP-OPADP1-200 51305381-500 प्रेशर ट्रांसड्यूसरयदि आप हमारे उत्पादों में रुचि रखते हैं और अधिक विवरण जानना चाहते हैं, तो कृपया यहां एक संदेश छोड़ें, हम जितनी जल्दी हो सके आपको उत्तर देंगे।
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